Writer and “horror bottomless pit” Mark Pellegrini joins for a great horror movie discussion. Essential found footage movies. What makes found footage different from other types of movies? Horror franchises that forget their roots. Horror films adapted to TV series. Overlooked horror gems in the slasher genre. Analog horror. Halloween Kills, what makes Michael Myers scary, and how the Halloween franchise went way off the rails before the 2018 restart. The Burning versus Friday the 13th versus Sleepaway Camp. What’s the deal with the hockey mask in the Alone in the Dark movie from 1982? Romero’s zombie rules and social commentary. Heck, let’s throw in a little J-Horror, too. Mark’s writing and comics work including Kamen America and Black Hops. Bad Homer Simpson Jokes.
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #249 - 10/27/2021
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The Found Footage Movie List (Mostly Horror)
What is Analog Horror?
Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane's book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is the new RPG that adds depth and options to your 5E experience but avoids unnecessary complexity! Lots of love for the exploration pillar. Rethinking classes while keeping their core concepts. Meaningful decisions every time you level up. Modular heritage design. The journey can be the adventure. More! The dynamics, behind the scenes, and fiscal realities of Kickstarter campaigns. Stretch goal economics. Stretch goal fever. The U vs the hockey stick. Kicktraq and other services that “project” Kickstarter campaign totals. Revenue versus profit. Everyone has good ideas, executing a good idea is the hard part.
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #248 - 10/15/2021
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Shane Plays Geek Talk is carried on Krypton Radio!
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Listen to the Shane Plays Geek Talk podcast on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play Music, Amazon Music, Podbean and Stitcher (and other fine, fine podcast directories).
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Level Up: Advanced 5E RPG on Kickstarter
Level Up: Advanced 5E RPG
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Level Up: Advanced 5E RPG Sneak Preview – Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode 238 – 3-19-2021
Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters for 5E – Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode 224 – 7/16/2020
Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane's book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat